Tech Wizard


Thursday 29 June 2017

Indian Election commission partners with facebook to register new voters

Indian government took a big initiative by patching up with social networking site Facebook for the registration of new voter's.

Election commission of India is going to poll next year aiming at the youth section of our society for participation in the democratic exercise.

Facebook patners with election commision and chief electoral officer in 5 states named Uttar Pradesh, panjab, goa, and uttrakhand for the first time to run a voter registration  drive across  the state.

With over 165 million  people in india on facebook will be motivated  to vote .the special  button is desined to encourage  people of these five state to exercise there vote in the upcoming  election. From July or October  users of age 18 years old will get notifications  in the here news feed to apply for voter id card.

By clicking  on the ""Register Now⃣⃣⃣ "" people will be directed  to the national voter services website where they could apply for there card . The web portal will guide them to the through the registration process.

This feature will be available in Punjab on Oct 6, for people from Manipal on October  7, for people from Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand on October 9 and October 10 in Goa.

As youth are the future of India it is important for them to take part in the biggest democratic exercise of the election.

With a mission to connect with the young generation, voter's the office of Uttrakhand has also come up with its own Facebook page. The aim of the page is to develop a live interaction program soon in near future.

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